Thanks Daniel, couldn't have asked for more.
Daniel and Alex, one further question... (theoretical, since I'm yet to try this out) -
Would Kamilio also take care to send out the ACK to end the trasaction with B-party, and continue the relayed transaction with C-party ? Is this, in effect same as serial forking ?
Apologies for questions that are perhaps more to do with SIP, than Kamilio itself.
On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 10:51 PM, Daniel Tryba wrote:
On Tuesday 03 March 2015 17:56:45 Jayanth Acharya wrote:
Would like to know if Kamilio (in it's sip-proxy role) could be
to somehow take note of the 'Contact:' header of a 302 response from B-party, to forward the INVITE to C-party (specified by the updated
URI) ?
No problem, if you take a look at the "default" config it will have a failure_route[MANAGE_FAILURE] and a WITH_BLOCK3XX define commented. The failure route will normally block 302:
# block call redirect based on 3xx replies. if (t_check_status("3[0-9][0-9]")) { send_reply("404","Not found BLOCK3XX"); exit; }
If you replace (or insert before) above code something like:
if (t_check_status("302") { $var(contact) = $T_rpl($ct); $var(contact) = $(var(contact){re.subst,/^<(sip:\+?
$du=$null; $ru=$var(contact); route(RELAY); exit; }
You have your case solved.
BTW you might want to do additonal checks when billing is concerned.
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