I think you have the source syntax written below in the avp_db_load statements
so the source will have $from or $to or $ruri optionally followed by the words "username" or domain
avp_db_load($from/username) of avp_db_load($to/domain) ---note these are not completed syntax
OR instead of the sip_uri which is $from,$to,$ruri you can have avp_alias
which is exactly what it says, its an alias,
Str_value this is the number directly related to the predefined alias in the line above
The name can be a string S: interger i:
or you can leave out the S: and just use the name
or of course an alias
I know thats probably not clear...in fact I just read it myself, the best thing with avpops , is to look at the db, and create a few, and then see how to pop them out and play with 'em
On 10/12/2005, "Lenir" lenirsantiago@yahoo.com wrote:
Hello list,
I'm reading the documentation for AVPOPS, and Im a little confused in this section:
#avp_db_load(source,name) #Loads from DB into memory the AVPs corresponding to the given source.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
source - what info is used for identifying the AVPs. Parameter syntax:
source = (sip_uri)['/'('username'|'domain')]) | (avp_alias) | str_value
sip_uri = '$from' | '$to' | '$ruri'
name - which AVPs will be loaded from DB into memory. Parameter syntax is:
name = avp_spec['/'(table_name|'$'db_scheme)]
avp_spec = ''|'s:'|'i:'|avp_name|avp_alias
Example 1-12. avp_db_load usage
.... avp_db_load("$from","i:678"); avp_db_load("$ruri/domain","i:/domain_preferences"); avp_db_load("$uuid","s:404fwd/fwd_table"); avp_db_load("$ruri","i:123/$some_scheme"); ....
My question are:
Can someone explain the source syntax? Can someone explain the name syntax? what are i:, s:, avp_name and avp_alias?
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