But the name of the header changes for each
Yes, that's intended - I do not want to store AVPs in
a contact-specific way (otherwise, if I use i:11 from
Bogdan's example, the script overwrites previous values
on a second call from the same terminal, nonregarding
that the first call might not yet be closed) but in a
call-specific manner, i.e. the attribute name (string)
identifies the call-id that the value stored in the AVP
belongs to.
Like stated in a previous answer - it's about creating
a P-Charging-Vector according to RFC 3455 in the core
and inserting it into all forward and reply messages.
The AVP name should be created and last exactly for the
duration of a SIP transaction. The timestamp is required
to guarantee the uniqueness of the value (must not be
re-used for a duration of at least one month).
A distinct AVP name is required for any call (identified
by a distinct call id).
Joachim Fabini wrote:
>Not sure if I understand the problem
correctly. Does the
name of the
No, it does not change during the lifetime of the AVP.
The name is set to the call-id and stays constant as
long as the AVP exists.
The problem is imho the content of pseudo-variables
can not be used as the names of AVPs.
# AVP 101 with alias
avp_printf("$myheaderavp", "$hdr(call-id)-$Ts");
Joachim Fabini wrote:
Is there a way or workaround to generate AVPs with header
values as AVP name? It seems to me that the current AVP
concept defines the AVPs at OpenSER startup, so
header-value-based names are not feasible.
What I need is the following: Store/retrieve a (key,value)
pair where the key is the current message's call-id and
the value some combination of header values and pseudo-
e.g. use the ops
avp_printf("$hdr(call-id)", "$hdr(call-id)-$Ts");
in order to append the following header to the SIP message:
Myheader: 23459(a)
Any idea how to do this in OpenSER?
thanks in advance
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