Hi Piotr,
can you elaborate, what you mean by "but some users are automatically unregistered on the openIMS core"?
About your questions: 1) If you get a "We need to do an UNREG server SAR assignemnt", then you receive a request for an unregistered subscriber. As the user is not registered, the S-CSCF needs to download the User-Profile from the HSS by executing a "Server Assignment Request" (SAR). 2) If you send a SIP-Request to an unregistered user, the S-CSCF should reply with an "404 Not found" (unless you have an application server, which handles this case).
Thanks, Carsten
2015-01-15 11:59 GMT+01:00 Kowalski Piotr 3 - Hurt < Piotr.Kowalski3@orange.com>:
Dear sr-users!
We are facing serious problem.
We built openIMS based on Kamailio. Moreover, we have RCS users registered, but some users are automatically unregistered on the openIMS core:
- We don't know what a piece of log on S-CSCF means:
*/usr/sbin/kamailio[17392]: ERROR: --- EXPLOIT --- We need to do an UNREG server SAR assignemnt *
- In log files there is “404 Not Found: Unknown destination” or “404 user
Probably there is some diameter problem.
Has anyone of you already faced such problem?
Many thanks for your answers.
Piotr Kowalski
Starszy Architekt Techniczny
Tel. +48 22 699 50 93
Kom. +48 519 123 289
[image: Orange]
Orange Polska
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Fax. +48 22 857 99 86
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