On 03/04/2010 04:17 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
El Miércoles, 3 de Marzo de 2010, Iñaki Baz Castillo escribió:
Hi, using Kamailio 1.5.4.
I use dlg_manage() for an INVITE. 200 Ok is replied by the callee but the UAC doesn't send the ACK (due to a crash).
The dialog remains in Kamailio dialog memory/table in state 3 and would expire after default_timeout (which usually is 3600 seconds or more, unsuitable for this case).
Yes, it could occur that the proxy is not doing loose_routing, but in that case it doesn't make sense to use dialog module, so shouldn't dialog module expire dialogs in state 3 after ~32 seconds?
I'm using profiles_with_value to limit the number of calls per user, so this issue is a bit important, as a UAC not sending the ACK for a 200 means one less available channel for this user during dialog module default_timeout.
Another issue: when a call is cancelled the dialog remains in memory for ~4 seconds more.
This is:
- INVITE received and any provisional response => dialog in state 2.
- CANCEL received => dialog in state 5 for ~4 seconds.
Is there any reason for that?
there might be a detele timer delay. I will read your emails and check the sources asap, having some busy days with some public events related to project.
Cheers, Daniel
This means that get_profile_size() still computes the cancelled call during ~4 seconds.
Thanks for any comment.