When i try to make a call in a NAT enviroment i get the next error
in the debug from my SER.
1(2825) error: mediaproxy/sendMediaproxyCommand(): can't connect to
I guess this is because the mediaproxy is not running, but i followed all
the steps in the INSTALL file to start the mediaproxy.
I used :
/etc/init.d/mediaproxy start
and even
[root@sipproxy mediaproxy]# ./mediaproxy.py
File "./mediaproxy.py", line 84
print >>sys.stderr, "Mediaproxy error: %s. Exiting." % why
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[root@sipproxy mediaproxy]#
But i can't see any "mediaproxy" process running.
Any ideas?
Any help will be accepted.
Thanks in advance.