On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 12:09:09 +0100 (CET), harry gaillac wrote
SER is more than a proxy .
Read the ser 's admin guide.
All right. I'll bite.
" Based on the latest standards, the SIP Express Router (SER) includes support
for registrar, proxy and redirect mode. Further it acts as an application
server with support for instant messaging and presence including a 2G/SMS and
Jabber gateway, a call control policy language, call number translation,
private dial plans and accounting, ENUM, authorization and authentication
(AAA) services. SER runs on Sun/Solaris, PC/Linux, PC/BSD, IPAQ/Linux
platforms and supports both IPv4 and IPv6. Hosting multiple domains and
database redundancy is supported."
Now... somewhere in there, you read "SER is more than a proxy and should be
able to do anything I want it to... for free... and support should be free as
well." I'm not sure WHERE you read that, but perhaps you can point it out to
Anyway I ask for advice how to use ser with asterisk .
Do you bother the Asterisk people as much as you bother everyone else?
I'm not a SER expert, Harry. Hell, I'm not an expert at ANYthing, but somehow
I've managed on my own and without pestering the Asterisk or SER lists daily
to implement a commercial solution using a mixture of both SER and Asterisk
without any real hitches so far. Now, it may not be the most ELEGANT solution
imaginable, but it works and works well.
Is it your lack of English skill that's keeping you from being able to
research a solution? Is it your lack of systems skills? Perhaps it's your lack
of basic understanding of the technologies involved (which may again lead back
to your lack of English skill). It's certainly not that the information isn't
available and can't be discovered with some careful effort.
Perhaps if it's just the language problem, you could find a friend with better
skills who could help... or you could just communicate in your native language
and find someone who might be able to understand better what sort of problems
you're up against.
From your statements here, it's pretty clear that
you're not really even
INTERESTED in figuring this out on your own. You'd
rather just ask other
people to do it for you. And when no one has time or inclination to help,
you'd rather just demand that they drop what they're doing and help you.
That's so NOT the way to solicit assistance. No one wants to help a petulant,
whining fellow who tries to bully them or guilt them into helping out.
Okay... let's try this one FINAL time.
If you are having problems with MOH, or reinvites not working properly through
asterisk for the purpose of reducing media stream bandwidth, or other PBX
functions, this IS NOT A SER ISSUE. Ask an Asterisk guru.
And heaven help them if they say they don't know what you're talking about.