There is a use case mentioned "This is useful if you have a set of RTP proxies that the caller must use, and another distinct set of RTP proxies that the callee must use. This is supported by all rtpengine commands except rtpengine_manage(). "
How do you actually implement this - is it something like this?
Say caller supposed to target Set 1and callee supposed to target Set 2: # offer/request route set_rtpengine_set(1, 2) rtpengine_offer() # cannot use rtpengine_manage() # callee sees set 2 in SDP, right?
# reply_route set_rtpengine_set(2, 1) # reverse the order? Is this correct?? # OR set_rtpengine_set(1, 2) # keep order, module does autoreversal magic # caller sees Set 1 in SDP
My question: in the reply route do you keep the same order (module is clever enough to autoreverse so caller sees Set 1) OR do you explicitly reverse the order and THAT means caller sees Set 1.
Cheer Anthony