I send INVITE requests to SEMS with fake To tag.
This will trigger Call
leg/transaction does not exist reply. If I get the reply then I know
SEMS is up and running.
On 13-12-2005 12:02, Cesc wrote:
Hi all,
Thanks for the responses. It seems that the ser part is covered well,
though i need also to monitor sems ... i could simply monitor by pid
or by sending some command via the fifo/unixsock and check the reply
... Anyone doing something like this?
On 12/13/05, Klaus Darilion <klaus.mailinglists(a)pernau.at> wrote:
Cesc wrote:
> Hi,
> An easy one ... or two.
> 1 - I need to start up ser automatically on the boot of the machine
> ... i am sure there are scripts and instructions on how to do it. Any
> pointer?
When using debian packages (make deb) the startup scrtipts will be
installed automatically, and openser will be started at startup.
Otheriwse (on debain) just
cp packaging/debian/openser.init /etc/init.d/openser
maybe you have tomodify the path inisde the startup script to fit your
chmod a+x /etc/init.d/openser
update-rc.d openser defaults
> 2 - I need a way to monitor the status of ser (and sems), so that in
> case of a crash they are automatically killed and restarted. I thought
> about writing some kind of cron thingy using serctl ... Again,
> pointers?
We montior using a cron job:
# passive check if SER is alive
*/5 * * * * /usr/lib/ser/checker
NETCOUNT=`netstat -antu | fgrep 5060 | fgrep | wc -l`
if [ $NETCOUNT -lt 2 ] ; then
echo "SER does not seem to listen on udp/tcp 5060. Restarting."
/etc/init.d/openser restart
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