On 03/16/2010 12:52 PM, Brandon Armstead wrote:
This is 1.5 and there is nothing between the quotes "".
the question is whether the display name attribute in From header structure includes the quotes or not -- this is to be revealed by code.
The last time I tried to remove_hf, and then append_hf(From) or To header, it seemed to break call flow completely?
It can break in case you have non-RFC3261 compliant devices.
What is the value of uac module parameter from_restore_mode?
If it is auto or not set, then it is not the same behavior as with remove_hf/append_hf.
I will give it another go, however if you have any further thoughts it is much appreciated, thanks!
Going to check the sources and come back with more details.
Cheers, Daniel
Sincerely, Brandon Armstead
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com mailto:miconda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, On 03/16/2010 02:30 AM, Brandon Armstead wrote: Hello, As always thank you ahead of time for your help and input! I am currently calling uac_replace_from("", "") in effort to "leave uri" and "toss away display name" Which does seem to work....... for the initial INVITE However upon receiving an ACK with an empty display, however "" <- quotations, it does not clear the display "" which is causing issues with one of my upstream vendors. Example / Scenario: From: "" <sip:uri@host> Expected Result upon uac_replace_from("",""): From: <sip:uri@host> Current Result: From: "" <sip:uri@host> As you can see it is not stripping the "" empty display quotes. Any thoughts / ideas / suggestions to get my desired affect? could be that display name is set to empty string (what is between double quotes) and in this case is nothing to replace -- I have to doublecheck the sources. Is it 1.5 or 3.0? Are you using From auto-replacing mode? If not, a solution for now is to do From update using header manipulation functions: remove_hf("From"); append_hf("From: <$fu>;tag=$ft\r\n", "From"); Cheers, Daniel -- Daniel-Constantin Mierla Kamailio SIP Router Masterclass, Berlin, March 22-26, 2010 * http://www.asipto.com/index.php/sip-router-masterclass/