Jiri Kuthan wrote:
I would very much discount conspiracy, absorption and other discouraging and ungrounded concerns.
Considering you came with the same merging proposal to me (to merge opensips into ser), I can say I have a better understanding of what is going on. Also, considering the huge unbalance between SER and Kamailio (like resources, man power, skills), the SER's inflexibility when comes to external driven changes (as part of Tekelec internal agenda) and the major differences between the core+TM code from the two projects (process management, external interfaces, scripting language, etc) I made a feet-on-the-ground analysis of what will possible result from this merging and expressed my concerns - these concerns are for the technical side (like befits to the end-user), as on the political side, it is 100% clear the win-win situation. If they are true or not, you can argue or let the future decide.
In fact, if there is something which appears hard to follow, why Bogdan forked off SER with many strong arguments to openser, and now forked off from his openser to opensips with arguments remarkably similar to the former.
Not so hard to follow, but almost predictable as my goals never changed. I moved out of SER when it didn;t provide the proper environment for project development and carried on with OpenSER which was a huge success. Again, when OpenSER stopped being a project to evolve, I carried on with OpenSIPS following the same goals.
You may crucify or demonize me for this, but for me it is important to be able to deliver the software I'm working on.
"Serial forking" is not the kind of business I'm interested here at all. In fact, I think forking is a VERY BAD THING to do and I'm very strongly opposed to attempts discouraging unforking and encouraging other forks. More funded opinions than mine can be for example found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_%28software_development%29
Of course you strongly opposed to any other alternative/competition to SER....it is not so difficult to guess to be honest.