Hi, I have got the second scenario here to work i.e. REGISTER xml ran, kill sipp, run sipp with INVITE xml.
There seems to be timing issue associated with this though - if I leave to long a delay between killing REGISTER xml and running INVITE xml then the INVITE will not be received by the sipp script.
The Expires header for the REGISTER is set to 36000, so that is not the issue.
Maybe this is a kamalio problem - anyway, for my purposes (as long as I am quick enough!), this works.
Regards, Steve.
On 2011-01-04 08:59, Stephen McVarnock wrote:
Does anyone know what the current state of play is for this proposed patch or if there is another way to get around this issue?
Well, I developed this extension from june until december 2006 but we never managed to merge this branch into the main-tree.
- I tried to REGISTER the SIPP endpoint in a single xml scenario file
with kamailio. This works as per usual. I then killed the SIPP instance and ran a new SIPP script listening on the same port before trying to send the INVITE to it. I expected this to work as the SIPP scenarios (both sending REGISTER and expecting INVITE) listened on the same port. However, the INVITE was not received by the SIPP endpoint. Can anyone think of a reason for this?
Well, this is a standard task of sipp and usually works without any limitations. Can you send both scnearios (Register and UAS) as well as the used command line parameters?
br Michael