Please cc all the time to mailing lists. Emailing privately will make the message dropped. Also, mailing list has the benefit of providing access to other people that might know better the answer.
Thanks, Daniel
On 04/20/2009 01:18 PM, rachid wrote:
*Hello, I use the purplemap table to mapping sip uri and jabber client,so i want to have a bidirectionnal chat and sharing between a dip and jabber users
I tried with purple modules*
2009/4/20 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <>
Hello, On 04/17/2009 11:22 AM, rachid wrote: Hello all, someone can help me to configure kamailio to i was able to have a bidirectionnal chat and presence sharing between a SIP and a jabber user ? thank you what is the problem? Did you get or not any communication between sip and xmpp? Have you tried with xmpp or purple modules? Cheers, Daniel -- Daniel-Constantin Mierla
BAHA Rachid Elève ingénieur en 3ème année à l'INPT, Rabat GSM:(+33) 0619787609