Hello, could you send us all the debug messages -- if the file is too big send it to serhelp@lists.iptel.org. Try to generate a core file, set ulimt -c 1000000 and run SER in that console. If you get one gzip it and send it along with the debug messages. Also, it may be useful to have the config file -- at least the parts who involves the Jabber gateway.
Best regards, Daniel
On 6/19/2003 5:03 PM, Damien Vicq wrote:
I have just upgraded our ser 0.8.10, which worked fine, to ser 0.8.011Pre29, with the Jabber and PA modules running. The problems I am encountering are: when in debug mode I often get error messages: XJAB:xjab_check_workers: worker has exited, status=0, err=-1, errno=10. I have not found the meaning of this error code.
More serious: ser seems to create many processes (up to more than a hundred after some hours of use), which after a day or so crashes the servers it runs on (Linux Redhat 9, bi PIII-500). Do you know where this can come from ?
Thanks in advance,
Damien Vicq Bell Labs
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers