El Monday 03 March 2008 16:54:55 Marc LEURENT escribió:
RealTime billing is ok, but after there is still '+' in radacct table in Canonical-URI and called-Station, so when CDRTool Normalize the radacct table avery 5 minutes, CDRTool failed to calculate the price!
The strip / prefix functions replace correctly the URI field, but it doesn't change the Canonical-URI, I have tried to change the Canonical-URI with $ai, but it doesn't work
I don't understand the reason you can't change Canonical-URI, jsut do it:
### Canonical-URI for CDRTool: $avp(AVP_CANONICAL_URI) = $rU + "@" + $rd; avp_subst("$avp(AVP_CANONICAL_URI)", "/^+/00/"); xlog("L_INFO","--- CanonicalURI = $avp(AVP_CANONICAL_URI) \n");