I'm using SIP in order to be able to call to my PBX extensions. I've configured SER + asterisk and It's working well, but I've got some troubles with authentication:
I want to be able to autehnticate with RADIUS in an LDAP (It's working) And I'd like to manage groups with mySQL tables (provided by SER package).
But... this is my problem...
How can create users in mySQL, It's obligatory to register (via web, for example) to create records is mySQL table?
I've visit this homepage: http://www.ethworld.ethz.ch/technologies/sipeth/notes
and I've saw some modules very useful, but w/o documentation.
Has anyone used it?
Thanks in advance
-- ------------------------------------- Aquel que planta árboles bajo los que sabe muy bien que nunca se sentara, ha descubierto el auténtico significado de la vida.