we use Kamailio 3.0 on a Red Hat EL5.4 system with openssl 0.9.8e (the current Red Hat OpenSSL version). We want to use Kamailio 3.0 in front of our Call Server (OpenSER 1.3.2) as a security gateway. So the Call Server should only deal tcp, while the Security Gateway terminates the TLS Data which he receives from the User Agents but forwards the SIP-Messages via TCP to the Call Server.
UA ---SIP_over_TLS---> Security Gateway (Kam3.0) ---SIP_over_TCP---> Call Server (OpenSER1.3.2)
UA<---SIP_over_TLS--- Security Gateway (Kam3.0) <---SIP_over_TCP--- Call Server (OpenSER1.3.2)
Nearly everything works fine in this scenario: User Agents are able to register and when they are sending INVITES the callee receives it.
The problem we have right now is: if Kamailio 3.0 receives BYE we get 477 Unfortunatly error on sending to next hop occured. It seems that the messages are ok...
I attached a text file with the BYE message and the errors.
Explanation for the text file:
* UA1:
* UA2:
*Security Gateway (Kam3.0):
*Call Server (OpenSER1.3.2):
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much in advance!
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Rehbein
FH Frankfurt am Main - University of Applied Sciences
FB 2 - Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften
Forschungsgruppe für Telekommunikationsnetze
Kleiststraße 3
60318 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0) 69 1533 3613
Fax: +49 (0) 69 1539 5224 961
E-Mail: mailto:rehbein@e-technik.org rehbein@e-technik.org
Internet: http://www.e-technik.org/frame_forschung.htm http://www.e-technik.org/frame_forschung.htm