The following routine should give you a general idea how to handle this situation. Basically, don't do rtp proxy when both caller and callee are behind same NAT. Just change their contact address for signalling.
Flag 4 is set when the caller is behind NAT. Flag 5 is set when the callee is behind NAT.
if (method=="INVITE") { if (isflagset(4) && isflagset(5)) { /* NAT source & NAT dest. */ if (!exec_msg('echo $SIP_RURI | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d@ -f2 | grep "$SIP_SRCIP" > /dev/null')) { xlog("L_NOTICE", "UAs behind different NAT devices, forcing rtpproxy\n"); force_rtp_proxy(); t_on_reply("2"); } else { xlog("L_NOTICE", "UAs behind same NAT devices\n"); t_on_reply("3"); } ... Other situation, NAT -> Public, Public -> NAT ... }
onreply_route[2] { if (t_check_status("200") || t_check_status("183")) { if (isflagset(5)) { fix_nated_contact(); }; force_rtp_proxy(); }; };
onreply_route[3] { if (t_check_status("200") || t_check_status("183")) { if (isflagset(5)) { fix_nated_contact(); }; }; };
Another question, what happen if two people on the SAME LOCAL network try to call each other via my SER server ?
Their adress will be detected as private and rtpproxy will be use, but it's not needed as they are visible for each other.
How could i prevent this ?
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