Hello Curt,
First of all, I think that the Polycom phones that you use do not
support or are not configured for presece with a server agent.
Most probably they are configured for peer-to-peer presence, issuing a
Subscribe that should arrive at the other phone and expecting it to
reply with a Notify.
The presence server in openser works as follows:
- gets the presence state from Publish messages issued by the user
agents (I think that the Polycom phones do not send Publish messages)
- sends Notify messages to those who subscribe ussing the information
One other thing is that in the trunk version there is support for shared
line appearance, tested with Polycom SoundPoint IP 430. If the phone
that you use have support for shared line appearance, you can enable it
by using the presence, presence_xml , pua and pua_bla modules from the
One workaround if you still want to use the presence module and have
presence info even though the pones support only peer-to-peer presence,
is to use the pua_usrloc module. It sends Publish messages when the
phone registers. This way simple info like online, offline will be notified.
Curt Moore wrote:
Hello Anca.
I have modparam("presence", "force_active", 1) in my config file but
there is no message body being generated.
I suppose I am a little confused on exactly how the new presence
module is supposed to work and hopefully someone can help explain.
Here is the way I understand it to work:
Let's say I have 2 Polycom phones, 1000 and 1001. Say that 1001 sends
a SUBSCRIBE to openser for 1000. Openser then makes note in the
active_watchers table that 1001 wants to know about events for 1000.
Openser then generates and sends NOTIFY messages to 1001 when things
change for 1000. Where I'm confused is what criteria are being used
to generate the NOTIFY messages? Is it based on registration state or
are the NOTIFY messages generated based on active SIP dialogs? For
example, if 1000 is active and on a call, in dialog, by virtue of it
getting a INVITE and then sending a 200 OK, does openser then send a
NOTIFY to 1001 telling it that 1000 is busy so that 1001 can display
this however it chooses? I'm just confused as to what is triggering
the NOTIFY messages which are sent back out to the subscriber. Do the
pua modules serve some role here? Specifically, does the pua_usrloc
need to be used?
Also, since the new presence modules have been introduced, is the
older pa module going to be depricated or will it continue to be
developed? Presently in 1.2, I cannot get pa to work as the database
structure is not correct, at least for postgres.
Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just really having a hard time
trying to figure out how all of the presence modules work together
with the openser core to provide presence functionality.
On 5/17/07, Anca-Maria Vamanu <anca(a)voice-system.ro> wrote:
Presence module does support xpidf type. What I am guessing is that you
have not set the force_active parameter to 1.
This is why the Notify messages have no body.
Set the parameter in your configuration file and try again.
Anca Vamanu
Curt Moore wrote:
Hello all.
I've been experimenting with the new presence module in openser-1.2
and have a few questions which hopefully someone can help answer.
I'm using an SVN checkout of the 1.2 branch, r2237, and am testing
with Polycom SoundPoint IP phones, firmware
From what I can tell, openser 1.2 does not fully
support the xpidf
content type, it only supoorts the winfo content type. I've looked
through the code for the presence module extensively and it appears
that whenever a SUBSCRIBE comes in where the Event header is simply
"Event: presence" and the Accept header is "Accept:
application/xpidf+xml", the message is acceped and a 202 is sent in
reply but in any NOTIFY sent from openser as a result, there is no
message body and the message does not contain the XML information for
Just as a test, I changed the event field in active_watchers to
"presence.winfo" and noticed that with this change, openser generates
a NOTIFY with a message body which contains watcherinfo. This, of
course, generates a 481 from the phone since it does not know about
the "Event: presence.winfo" event type.
Also as a test, I tried to use the pa module as I'd had success with
this module in the past since it _does_ support xpidf. In 1.2 it
appears that the database structure specified in the databse setup
scripts does not agree with the table structure being used in the
module. As a result, I could not get the pa module to work either.
Am I overlooking some small detail?
Please let me know if further information is needed in order to help
diagnose and resolve this issue.
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