Dear Mahatma,
If you want to engage the developers, you will have to subscribe to serdev, as many of the
developers don't follow serusers.
I have not participated in SER's 2.0 data model, but my initial take on your
suggestion is the following:
With all respect, I believe you may have misunderstood what Tom is addressing in his
discussion. He targets a generic database model built around attribute value pairs. This
is not the case for SER, on the contrary, SER's new data model is much sounder from a
db perspective (than 0.8 and 0..9) and is built around the uid and did as unique
identifiers. Queries will through joins across the tables construct the needed data in a
very efficient manner, as uid and did are indexed and where the queries will use uid and
did in the where clause. Without having checked, I assume the tables have been normalized
just as they should (i.e. splitting them up).
The attribute-value pairs you are referring to are not part of the core data model (which
Tom covers), but rather attributes that may be loaded and made available in ser.cfg
through a query created to retrieve the attributes-value pairs. Without creating a limited
set of attributes that can be supported in ser.cfg, the generic avpairs cannot be avoided.
However, the queries that retrieve avpairs do not use the semantic of the avpairs to
select which avpairs to load, ALL avpairs belonging to a specific uid and did are loaded
at the same time.
Also, I'm afraid this statement is wrong: "It's a better idea from a database
architecture and performance perspective to keep adding columns into that table for data
that has a 1 to 1 relationship with a user."
This is exactly how you should not do it if you have complex data relationships that need
to be represented and retrieved without duplicating data.
Does this answer alleviate your fears?
If not, please subscribe to serdev and post your comment there to engage people closer to
the design of the database.
X Z wrote:
Hi All,
This is specifically for the SER/OpenSER developers, but I'm not a serdev list member
so I'm posting here.
I've been using SER since version 0.8.X and I'm still running 0.8.14 production
for my company PBX to this day.
I was very excited as version 2 became a release candidate and I downloaded it for
testing. I was pretty disappointed with one aspect of the new data model and I'm
requesting that the developers consider a further revision on the data model.
Basically, taking all fields out of the subscriber table like Last_name, first_name,
email, timezone, rpid/asserted identity, etc, etc is not the greatest idea. It's a
better idea from a database architecture and performance perspective to keep adding
columns into that table for data that has a 1 to 1 relationship with a user, and that is
common in > 90% of SER's use cases ( i.e. corporate, carrier/VSP.) I would suggest
adding voicemail_password, and maybe every other field that is being added into the
default attributes script that I saw in CVS recently. If you already know what attributes
a user has (and they have a 1 to 1 relationship), then its far better from a db
performance perspective to keep these attributes in the user table. I know that the code
becomes more complicated, but I think it may be a tradeoff worth discussing.
See this discussion (
) between Oracle users and Tom, (an Oracle engineer/architect.) The full text of this
discussion is very informative and I highly recommend people read it through.
Tom's conclusion is that the type of data model being discussed, and now being used in
SER fails for all but the most trivial of applications. Maybe SER *by itself* qualifies as
"trivial" from a database architect's perspective, but think about things
like Asterisk integration, which is quite common. You quickly run into some very nasty
queries . . .
Please note that I am not a software developer nor a database engineer, just a user who
reads a lot, so I'm open to being the ignorant one here, but I thought that this
should be discussed among users and developers.
Thanks for considering,
The following is an excerpt from the above link:
Here is a excerpt from my forthcoming book where I talk about this (and show you how
ugly, hard and inefficient queries against your very flexible model will be)
(2)Do not use Generic Data Models
Frequently I see applications built on a generic data model for "maximum
flexibility" or
applications built in ways that prohibit performance. Many times - these are one in the
same thing! For example, it is well known you can represent any object in a database
using just four tables:
Create table objects ( oid int primary key, name varchar2(255) );
Create table attributes
( attrId int primary key, attrName varchar2(255),
datatype varchar2(25) );
Create table object_Attributes
( oid int, attrId int, value varchar2(4000),
primary key(oid,attrId) );
Create table Links ( oid1 int, oid2 int,
primary key (oid1, oid2) );
That's it - no more CREATE TABLE for me! I can fill the attributes table up with rows
like this:
insert into attributes values ( 1, 'DATE_OF_BIRTH', 'DATE' );
insert into attributes values ( 2, 'FIRST_NAME', 'STRING' );
insert into attributes values ( 3, 'LAST_NAME', 'STRING' );
And now I'm ready to create a PERSON record:
insert into objects values ( 1, 'PERSON' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 1, 1, '15-mar-1965' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 1, 2, 'Thomas' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 1, 3, 'Kyte' );
insert into objects values ( 2, 'PERSON' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 2, 1, '21-oct-1968' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 2, 2, 'John' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 2, 3, 'Smith' );
And since I'm good at SQL, I can even query this record up to get the FIRST_NAME and
LAST_NAME of all PERSON records:
ops$tkyte@ORA920> select
max( decode(attrName, 'FIRST_NAME', value, null )) first_name,
2 max( decode( attrName, 'LAST_NAME', value, null ) ) last_name
3 from objects, object_attributes, attributes
4 where attributes.attrName in ( 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME' )
5 and object_attributes.attrId = attributes.attrId
6 and object_attributes.oid = objects.oid
7 and <> = 'PERSON'
8 group by objects.oid
9 /
-------------------- --------------------
Thomas Kyte
John Smith
Looks great, right? I mean, the developers don't have to create tables anymore, we can
add columns at the drop of a hat (just requires an insert into the ATTRIBUTES table). The
developers can do whatever they want and the DBA can't stop them. This is ultimate
"flexibility". I've seen people try to build entire systems on this model.
But, how does it perform? Miserably, terribly, horribly. A simple "select first_name,
last_name from person" query is transformed into a 3-table join with aggregates and
Further, if the attributes are "NULLABLE" - that is, there might not be a row in
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES for some attributes, you may have to outer join instead of just joining
which in some cases can remove more optimal query plans from consideration.
Writing queries might look pretty straightforward, but it's impossible to do in a
performant fashion. For example, if we wanted to get everyone that was born in MARCH or
has a LAST_NAME = 'SMITH', we could simply take the query from above and just wrap
inline view around that:
ops$tkyte@ORA920> select *
2 from (
3 select
max(decode(attrName, 'FIRST_NAME', value, null)) first_name,
4 max(decode(attrName, 'LAST_NAME', value, null)) last_name,
5 max(decode(attrName, 'DATE_OF_BIRTH', value, null))
6 from objects, object_attributes, attributes
7 where attributes.attrName
in ( 'FIRST_NAME',
8 and object_attributes.attrId = attributes.attrId
9 and object_attributes.oid = objects.oid
10 and <> = 'PERSON'
11 group by objects.oid
12 )
13 where last_name = 'Smith'
14 or date_of_birth like '%-mar-%'
15 /
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
Thomas Kyte 15-mar-1965
John Smith 21-oct-1968
So, it looks "easy" to query, but think about the performance! If you had a
thousand OBJECT records, and a couple tens of thousands of OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES - Oracle
would have to process the entire inner group by query first and then apply the WHERE
This is not a made up data model, one that I crafted just to make a point. This is an
actual data model that I've seen people try to use. Their goal is ultimate
They don't know what OBJECTS they need, they don't know what ATTRIBUTES they will
Well - that is what the database was written for in the first place: Oracle implemented
this thing called SQL to define OBJECTS and ATTRIBUTES and lets you use SQL to query
them. You are trying to put a generic layer on top of a generic layer - and it fails each
and every time except for the most trivial of applications.
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