On May 28, 2010 at 16:05, Jesse B Scites jbscites@gmail.com wrote:
I am not sure if this mailing list is for any type of product support, but I am at a loss as how to continue, so any type of guidance would be appreciated.
It's the right mailing list.
I am new to using SER, however I downloaded the source baseline, then made it, etc. according to the "Getting Started" guide. The very basic configuration (minus MySQL, etc.) seemed to build fine and all binaries, the ser.cfg file, etc. were installed to the correct locations. Since I just wanted to start using a basic configuration, I chose to use the "Hello World" configuration file as outlined in the guide, so I swapped it out with the default one. As the super user, I ran >>ser -V and received the expected version feedback as listed within the "Getting Started" guide. However, when I tried to start SER normally with >>ser I received the following error:
What version of ser are you using?
0(6989) parse error (11,1-5): syntax error
0(6989) parse error (11,1-5):
ERROR: bad config file (2 errors)
Looking at the Hello Word config from http://siprouter.teigre.com/doc/gettingstarted/ch06.html#id2654624 it seems the line in question is fifo="/tmp/ser_fifo".
This option disappeared in newer ser versions, so my guess is that you are using the hello word config (made I think for ser 0.9.x) with a newer ser (2.1?).
The config could be easily adapted to a newer ser version (at first sight: remove or comment out the fifo line and change msg:len > max_len to msg:len > 4096). However I would recommend to go directly to sip-router 3.0 (which is more or less ser 3.0) and use sip-router-basic.cfg as a starting point (either use git, see http://sip-router.org/wiki/git/sip-router-repository or download the latest tarball from http://sip-router.org/tarballs/sr/sr_3.0/).