Hi Daniel,
there are no differences - the implementation follows the RFC. For
incoming calls, the location set is empty, but it can be populated by
the CPL script during execution. So, when you do "proxy", you may have
multiple entries in the location set.
The comment in the cpl_sig.c file refers to some implementation details
- how to process the available location set, depeding if it is the first
time doing proxy (for the call) or a second time.
daniel grotti wrote:
Hi all,
this is what CPL_SIG.c says about forwarding a given message to the given location set:
" forwards the msg to the given location set; if flags has set the
CPL_PROXY_DONE, all locations will be added as branches, otherwise, the
first one will set as RURI (this is ha case when this is the first proxy
of the message)
The given list of location will be freed, returning 0 instead.
Returns: 0 - OK "
My question is : which and what is "the first one" location ? Can you explain
it better?
Because RFC 3880 say that : "For the incoming top-level call processing action, the
location set is initialized to the empty set.
For the outgoing action, it is initialized to the destination address of the call."
So RFC is very clear. I think there are considerable differences between RFC and the
behavior of CPL interpreter.
Daniel Grotti
DEIS - Universita' di Bologna
Via Venezia, 52
47023 Cesena (FC) - ITALY
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