being discussed during last Devel IRC Meeting, we are planing to build a Kamailio Project Technical Administration Group:
Its goal is to get a bunch of people that volunteer to do administration tasks for the project, such as: - helping with releases (e.g., patch backports, packaging, uploading files for download, etc) - doing sysadmin tasks for our servers (e.g., performing upgrades to wiki, web site, etc) - preparing technical decisions and doing them (e.g., what applications to use to make operations easier, cloning git repository to github, ...)
From the devel meeting, so far we have Victor Seva, Fred Posner, Peter Dunkley and Olle Johansson. Existing people doing admin tasks will probably stay in (if they don't opt out): me, Elena-Ramona Modroiu, Henning Westerholt (owner of devel.kamailio.org hardware), Jan Janak (owner of sip-router.org hardware), Jesus Rodriguez and Oriol Capsada (owners of kamailio.org hardware).
Requirements for candidates and other details: - volunteer to do the work, it is not a paid job - an existing record of activity within the project is a plus (e.g., developer, active mailing list member) - reply to the lists detailing where and how you can help - possibility to spend 1-4 hours a week for project administration (more is welcome, sometime is not necessary at all)
Rewards: - you will be listed as part of project administration on the website - get to interact more with the project and the nice guys around it ;-) - more spam - admin list address will be public and the list open so everyone can send in case of critical situations (content/archive will be kept private)
Note that we will try to build a group of an adequate size, thus not everyone willing to participate may get in (at least on the first phase). One criteria is to have skills that complement existing team knowledge.
Cheers, Daniel