Hi Anca,
I added the 'transformation' node and it is working now, thanks.
Regards, Gregor.
-----Mensaje original----- De: Anca Vamanu [mailto:anca@voice-system.ro] Enviado el: martes, 08 de abril de 2008 17:18 Para: gregor.sp CC: users@lists.openser.org Asunto: Re: [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:presence:publ_notify: Could not send notify for presence
Hi Gregor,
It seems that the client you sends a privacy definition document that is not accepted by OpenSER. More precisely, it does not include the 'transformation' node in the XML document, that is considered compulsory by OpenSER. I have read through the RFC that defines these documents (RFC 4745), but is does not say clearly who is right. So, I have sent an e-mail on the sip-implementors with this question. If the answer says that the client you use is right I will make the changes to allow that document.
regards, Anca
gregor.sp wrote:
Hi all,
I am using OpenXcap (0.99) and OpenSER (1.3), presence authorization is working and users receive NOTIFYs when users subscribe to presence. But after updating presence information with PUBLISH no NOTIFY are sent to clients. The debug messages the server shows when the server receives a PUBLISH are:
ERROR:presence_xml:get_final_notify_body: while extracting the transformation node ERROR:presence_xml:pres_apply_auth: in function get_final_notify_body ERROR:presence:send_notify_request: in function apply_auth_nbody ERROR:presence:notify: sending Notify not successful ERROR:presence:publ_notify: Could not send notify for presence
Somebody could help me with this?
Thanks. Gregorio