Jiri Kuthan jiri@iptel.org writes:
We will appreciate your feedback -- that's one of the quickest ways for us to learn about things deserving improvement.
I'll have it. :) It mostly includes what I see as lack of useful authorization vs. authentication support. The short story:
I want to be able to say "user graff has passwor foo, and can receive calls on and dial out using identities sip:7004@isc.org, sip:graff@isc.org, and sip:michael_graff@isc.org"
What open source products are people using for voice mail,
I'm not aware of one I could recommend, a reason why we started developing our own. I hope a beta version will be out by end of February (may be to optimistic forecast, though). But it may be just my ignorance -- the asterisk project may perhaps work.
Want assistance? We're an open source shop here, and I might be able to spend some time on things if there's something already happening.
Columbia university used to develop a conferencing system, but I'm not sure what its status is. I personally use mitel hardphones for 3-party conferencing -- the phone has the mixing capability built in it.
I tried contacting the people who have an "exclusive license from Columbia" for the code base, but they don't answer. They also don't list a SIP phone number on their pages.
The PSTN interworking is orthogonal to whether you run conference or normal calls...
Yep, we're using a Cisco, or will shortly. We have a 4-line Cisco here now as a temporary measure.