I'm running OpenSER 1.1.0 in the server xxx.yyy.91.231, I'm also testing a program as 3rd party call control at xxx.yyy.91.230 that is sending "simultaneous" reINVITEs to the 2 parties involved in the call (10252052 and 10092010) through OpenSER.
Both messages are accepted by the loose_route function. OpenSER relays the 1st reINVITE (to 10092010) but the second reINVITE (to 10252052) is not relayed.
Is openSER considering the 2nd message as a retransmission of the first reINVITE ?
I'm having the same behavior by setting tm.ruri_matching to 1 and 0. The results are the same if I call from 10092010 to 10252052, or if I send the 1st reINVITE to 10252052. The only way to make it work properly is sending the 2nd reInvite after some seconds.
There is something else that I must add to the reINVITEs to allow OpenSER to differentiate them?
The OpenSER debug for the ReINVITEs is at http://pastebin.com/773285 The reInvite to 10092010 is at http://pastebin.com/773286 The reInvite to 10252052 is at http://pastebin.com/773287
Thanks for any suggestion.
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