the uac module-registrations have the fields
l_uuid - user for Contact: in REGISTER (before @). Described at https://kamailio.org/docs/db-tables/kamailio-db-5.6.x.html#idm9037 as “Local unique id used to build and match contact addresses.”. Described at https://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/uac#idm700 as “local unique user id, e.g.,: 12345678”
l_username - Described at https://kamailio.org/docs/db-tables/kamailio-db-5.6.x.html#idm9037 as “Local username”. Described at https://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/uac#idm700 as “local user name, e.g.,: test ”. For me there is no difference between “local unique id” (as for l_uuid) and “local username“ (here).
l_domain - used for Contact: in REGISTER (after @), described at https://kamailio.org/docs/db-tables/kamailio-db-5.6.x.html#idm9037 as “local domain”
When is l_username used, what is it purpose? Does it solely serve as possible filter criterion for the RPC commands:
uac.reg_info l_username abc uac.reg_enable l_username abc uac.reg_disable l_username abc, and uac.reg_unregister l_username abc
Do I see correctly, that via UAC-RPC an unREGISTER can be triggered, but there is no way to trigger a REGISTER over UAC-RPC?
Thanks for the clarifications Дилян