Hi, I am a french student and i've tried to install ser on a Solaris 8. The problem comes with the MySQL server installation ( i've downloaded binary 4.0.17 distribution, so no compilation). When i start ser after having modified the ser.cfg file there is a problem with libmysqlclient.so.10 which cannot be found. I've tried to find this library but the only one available is libmysqlclient.a .
Maybe, i should try a source distribution or i forgot executing a script although i followed the installation process.
Another question is about PSTN gateway, i am looking forward this kind of product the more sip-compliant and open as possible (contrary to mediatrix solutions). What do you think about Asterisk and Digium card or if you have any proposition...
Please help me .... Sorry for my terrible english,
PS: french people can contact me directly to share about sip.