I'm trying to get the pua_bla module to do its thing, and I'm running into an issue.
I'm getting these errors when the first NOTIFY comes from the phone:
ERROR: presence [publish.c:515]: Missing or unsupported event header field value ERROR: presence [publish.c:518]: event=[dialog;sla]
I see the phone register and the subsequent SUBSCRIBE (both successful) from Kamailio, so this bit seems to be correct.
I'm loading what I think are all the necessary modules: loadmodule "presence.so" loadmodule "presence_xml.so" loadmodule "pua.so" loadmodule "pua_bla.so"
And I'm handling the NOTIFY as per the documentation (xlogs to see that in fact the script executes): if(is_method("NOTIFY") && to_uri=~"bla_aor@domain.com") { xlog("Matched bla_aor to_uri\n"); if(bla_handle_notify()) { xlog("Handled NOTIFY\n"); t_reply("200", "OK"); } }
I see the log entries from the above xlogs, so it certainly is executing this part of the script. Any ideas why I'm getting the errors? All ideas and/or assistance are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance, - Brad
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