Hi Andreas,
Check what's in line 392, it should give you a hint what's wrong.
That's where it mentions the DBURL. I think I fixed this issue by, instead of using DBURL, I just use the location (mysql://.......). That allows Kamailio to restart with no issues (so I assume it means presence is working as well, just need to get two clients that are free and compatible).
There are two ways doing IM in SIP: one is page-mode using MESSAGE requests, which should take pretty much the same route as INVITE (that is: authorization of caller, normalization of callee, lookup in location table, then t_relay to callee);
To be honest I'm really not sure what that means, I'm quite new to SIP, having previously only used Asterisk.
the other one is MSRP, which is actually an INVITE with a special payload. If you use sylkserver, then you can just forward the INVITE to sylkserver, which has an MSRP relay integrated,
This is perfect, I'm actually using SylkServer (is the reason I am trying to get this configured).
This may not seem like the best of questions, but how exactly would I go about forwarding an INVITE to sylkserver?
At the moment I am able to log on to a SIP Client using the details;
<sylkserver user>@<kamailio server>.<domain>
Where the SylkServer user is created on SylkServer's Openfire install.
I believe this means that SylkServer recognises my Kamailio server already.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Gary Shergill