Hi Jurijs, I had a look at the logs and there is something strange: I see the ts_append logs before the registrar module ones (the save function). Are you sure you are calling ts_append after calling save()?
On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 10:26 AM Jurijs Ivolga jurijs.ivolga@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Daniel-Constantin,
Debug log is intachment. Do you see any hints?
I think this is relative part:
2020-10-27T08:24:36.198Z,"79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tsilo
[ts_append.c:72]: ts_append(): transaction 21280:984985415 found for sip:1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001@voipstaging.myapp.net, going to append branches" 2020-10-27T08:24:36.198Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} registrar [lookup.c:306]: lookup_helper(): contact for [1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001] found by address 2020-10-27T08:24:36.198Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_lookup.c:1612]: t_lookup_ident_filter(): transaction found 2020-10-27T08:24:36.199Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_append_branches.c:77]: t_append_branches(): transaction 21280:984985415 in status 180 2020-10-27T08:24:36.199Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_append_branches.c:99]: t_append_branches(): Call 88cc06a544ba41a8aee5035c437baabf@ 1 (0) outgoing branches 2020-10-27T08:24:36.205Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_append_branches.c:163]: t_append_branches(): Call 88cc06a544ba41a8aee5035c437baabf@ 1 (0) outgoing branches after clear_branches() 2020-10-27T08:24:36.206Z,"79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tsilo [ts_append.c:72]: ts_append(): transaction 38832:1600293484 found for sip:1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001@voipstaging.myapp.net, going to append branches" 2020-10-27T08:24:36.206Z,79(85) ERROR: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_append_branches.c:172]:* t_append_branches(): failure to add branches (-1)* 2020-10-27T08:24:36.207Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} registrar [lookup.c:306]: lookup_helper(): contact for [1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001] found by address 2020-10-27T08:24:36.207Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_append_branches.c:77]: t_append_branches(): transaction 38832:1600293484 in status 180 2020-10-27T08:24:36.207Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_lookup.c:1612]: t_lookup_ident_filter(): transaction found 2020-10-27T08:24:36.208Z,79(85) ERROR: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_append_branches.c:172]: t_append_branches(): failure to add branches (-1) 2020-10-27T08:24:36.208Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_append_branches.c:99]: t_append_branches(): Call aac9c351-92d0-1239-0599-024233fefdc7: 2 (0) outgoing branches 2020-10-27T08:24:36.208Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} tm [t_append_branches.c:163]: t_append_branches(): Call aac9c351-92d0-1239-0599-024233fefdc7: 2 (0) outgoing branches after clear_branches() 2020-10-27T08:24:36.209Z,79(85) INFO: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~}
<script>: tsilo appending branch sip:1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001@voipstaging.myapp.net 2020-10-27T08:24:36.217Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} <core> [core/strutils.c:215]: unescape_user(): unescaped string is <sip:;transport=tls> 2020-10-27T08:24:36.218Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} registrar [path.c:116]: build_path_vector(): path is <<sip: ingress1dev.myapp.net;lr;received=sip: %3Btransport%3Dtls>> 2020-10-27T08:24:36.218Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} registrar [path.c:108]: build_path_vector(): received is <sip:;transport=tls> 2020-10-27T08:24:36.218Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} registrar [save.c:314]: pack_ci(): set instance[<urn:uuid:2a56856a-fae5-00f6-8f3b-2d9283f533be>] 2020-10-27T08:24:36.219Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} <core> [sruid.c:182]: sruid_next(): new sruid is [uloc-5f97d8f4-55-1] (1 / 18) 2020-10-27T08:24:36.219Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} registrar [save.c:410]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is: uloc-5f97d8f4-55-1 2020-10-27T08:24:36.220Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} registrar [save.c:410]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is: uloc-5f97d8f4-55-2 2020-10-27T08:24:36.220Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} <core> [sruid.c:182]: sruid_next(): new sruid is [uloc-5f97d8f4-55-2] (2 / 18) 2020-10-27T08:24:36.220Z,"79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} registrar [reply.c:377]: build_contact(): created Contact HF: Contact: <sip:1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001@ ;transport=tls>;q=1;expires=120;received=""sip: ;transport=tls"";+sip.instance=""<urn:uuid:2a56856a-fae5-00f6-8f3b-2d9283f533be>""" 2020-10-27T08:24:36.227Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} cfgutils [cfgutils.c:724]: cfg_lock_helper(): cfg_lock mode 0 on 54 (1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001) 2020-10-27T08:24:36.228Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} htable [ht_var.c:89]: pv_set_ht_cell(): set value for $sht(pmap=>join::1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001) 2020-10-27T08:24:36.228Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} cfgutils [cfgutils.c:724]: cfg_lock_helper(): cfg_lock mode 1 on 54 (1443452187102-0af7c6035717-0001) 2020-10-27T08:24:36.228Z,79(85) DEBUG: {1 21 REGISTER G~qt15Oz7~} <core> [core/receive.c:437]: receive_msg(): request-route executed in: 2293 usec
On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 10:20 AM Daniel-Constantin Mierla < miconda@gmail.com> wrote:
if you get it always, then run with debug=3 and send all the debug messages here, there should be more hints about why a branch is not added.
Cheers, Daniel On 27.10.20 08:40, Jurijs Ivolga wrote:
I have several Kamailio proxies - loadbalancer which is used as TLS offload and Authorization server and behind registrar servers.
In this case I can't make tsilo work on the registrar server.
I'm always getting: "tm [t_append_branches.c:172]: t_append_branches(): failure to add branches (-1)"
If I use just one Kamailio which is used as Authorization and Registrar server then tsilo works as expected.
Looks like kamailio where I run ts_append tries to connect to UAC directly and not through Loadbalancer.
Any ideas? How can I troubleshoot this?
Thank you!
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-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.comwww.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda Funding: https://www.paypal.me/dcmierla
Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users