On 11/13/05 20:54, Daryl Sanders wrote:
business@openser.org is the closest thing to a SER biz list I've seen. It would be nice if there was a bit more traffic though.
The traffic starts when someone needs something or he has something to offer :-) . At this moment, seems that everybody is pleased with what he has. The number of subscribers is good (cca 70) for about 1 , 1/2 month of existence of the mailing list.
Cheers, Daniel
- Daryl
On 11/13/05, Rehan Ahmed rehan33@gmail.com wrote:
Hello All,
Is there a SER Business Mailing list for commerical only emails on ?
www.supertec.com www.didxchange.com
Users mailing list Users@openser.org http://openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users