Sorry, what I want is to block a user after 'n' incorrect login attempts
and leave it blocked until a user unblocks them from the website. I try
something with the htable module but I don't know if I can save the value
in the database. Is going to check if the number of login attempts is >
'n', and if is > 'n', I gonna leave it blocked and send a MESSAGE to an
I starting with something like this:
modparam("htable", "htable", "a=>size=8;autoexpire=920;")
. . .
if(is_present_hf("Authorization")){ reg_fetch_contacts("location",
"existingContact"); if($sht(a=>$au::auth_count)==3){ xlog("Other
auth failed more than 3 times - src ip: $si\n"); $var(address) = $si;
$var(ruri) = "[" + $var(address)+ "]" + ":" + $sp +
";" + "transport" + "="
+ $proto; #Send a SIP Request signalling the problem and its reason on the
body $uac_req(method)="MESSAGE"; $uac_req(ruri) = "sip:"+ $au +
"@" +
$var(ruri); $uac_req(furi) = ""; $uac_req(turi) =
$fu; $uac_req(hdrs)="Max-Forwards: 70\r\nEvent: reg\r\nContent-Type:
$uac_req(body)="Accout Blocked. Plese contact with your adminstrator";
uac_req_send(); exit; }else{ $sht(a=>$au::auth_count) = 0; }
if(!www_authenticate("", "subscriber")){ switch ($retcode)
case -1: sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden"); exit; case -2:
if($sht(a=>$au::auth_count) == $null) $sht(a=>$au::auth_count) = 0;
$sht(a=>$au::auth_count) = $sht(a=>$au::auth_count) + 1; break; }
www_challenge("$td"/*realm*/,"0"/*qop*/); exit; }
= 0; } else { www_challenge("$td","0"); exit; } }
But first problem:
Is not counting. I dont know if I have to configure any param more to start
counting attempts?
Second problem:
I dont know the best option to save the login attempts on databes. Theres
is any module that can help?
Thank you so much.
El mar., 26 may. 2020 a las 21:56, Daniel-Constantin Mierla (<
miconda(a)>) escribió:
if you look for inserting into/querying from a database table from config
script, look at sqlops module.
If you need something else, provide more details about what you want to
On 26.05.20 20:38, Ahmed Marsou wrote:
I have to control the login attempts, but blocking the user until I unlock
him from web site. To do that I have to save the paramter on database.
There is any table and column where I can save that parameter?
I'm using the htable module to count the Authentification attempts.
There's is any module that do that easily?
Thank you.
Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing
Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- --