In mode 2, the DB is periodically updated from mem. cache - what is
removed from mem, is removed from DB also.
At startup, the DB is cleaned of old, expired elements.
If you use this db_mode, you should not operate directly on DB, but only
via the mem cache (MI functions) to avoid de-synchronization. Even if
this happens, after a restart, everything will be cleaned.
Bernard Chan wrote:
於 一,2007-04-16 於 10:57 +0300,Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 提到:
Hi Bernard,
for usrloc, what db_mode are you using?
Hello bogdan,
In the openser.cfg:
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
modparam("usrloc", "db_url",
Bernard Chan.
Bernard Chan wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know how frequently OpenSER are cleaning up stale
> records with the mysql backend of various modules? For instance,
> active_watchers, location, presentity, watchers etc. mysql tables, or
> are stale records automatically removed at all? As I found a row in the
> location table with an "expires" date more than a month ago, but was
> still not cleaned up today. Or OpenSER takes a different strategy?
> This is because we expect to deploy OpenSER on a fairly large network
> and we are estimating database size and related overhead, and we are a
> bit worry that accumulation of these stale records may increase our
> processing costs.
> Thank you in advance for any insights.
> Regards,
> Bernard Chan.
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