Im trying to run Xcap_server support on Kamailio but I got no luck in the configuration I load all module necessary for the operation to succeed but nothing. I guess I'm missing something but I can't tell cause I install all dependencies in order to get it running. Here is my set up please let me know if you can give me a hand with this I'd like that cause I'm stuck here
# *** Value defines - IDs used later in config #!define WITH_AUTH #!define WITH_PRESENCE #!define WITH_XCAPSRV #!define WITH_NAT #!define WITH_TLS #!define WITH_ANTIFLOOD #!define WITH_MYSQL
#!ifdef WITH_XCAPSRV tcp_accept_no_cl=yes #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_AUTH loadmodule "" loadmodule "" #!ifdef WITH_IPAUTH loadmodule "" #!endif #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_PRESENCE loadmodule "" loadmodule "" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_XCAPSRV loadmodule "" loadmodule "" #!endif
# ----- xcap_server params ----- modparam("xcap_server", "db_url", "mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost /kamailio")
event_route[xhttp:request] { if (!www_authorize("xcap", "subscriber")) { www_challenge("xcap", "0"); exit; } if($hu=~"^/xcap-root/") { set_reply_close(); set_reply_no_connect(); # xcap ops - break down http uri to get xcap user id $xcapuri(u=>data) = $hu; if($xcapuri(u=>xuid)=~"^sip:.+@.+") $var(uri) = $xcapuri(u=>xuid); else $var(uri) = "sip:"+ $xcapuri(u=>xuid) + "@" + $Ri;
# handle XCAP capability request if($rm=="GET" && $xcapuri(u=>auid)=="xcap-caps") { $var(xbody) = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <xcap-caps xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcap-caps'> <auids> <auid>rls-services</auid> <auid>pidf-manipulation</auid> <auid>xcap-caps</auid> <auid>resource-lists</auid> <auid>pres-rules</auid> <auid>org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules</auid> </auids> <extensions> </extensions> <namespaces> <namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rls-services</namespace> <namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf</namespace> <namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcap-caps</namespace> <namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:resource-lists</namespace> <namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pres-rules</namespace> </namespaces> </xcap-caps>"; xhttp_reply("200", "ok", "application/xcap-caps+xml", "$var(xbody)"); exit; } # be sure auth user access only its documents if ($au!=$(var(uri){uri.user})) { xhttp_reply("403", "Forbidden", "text/html", "operation not allowed"); exit; }
xdbg("SCRIPT: xcap service $xcapuri(u=>auid) for $xcapuri(u=>xuid)\n"); switch($rm) { case "PUT": xcaps_put("$var(uri)", "$hu", "$rb"); if($xcapuri(u=>auid)=~"pres-rules") { pres_update_watchers("$var(uri)", "presence"); pres_refresh_watchers("$var(uri)", "presence", 1); } exit; break; case "GET": xcaps_get("$var(uri)", "$hu"); exit; break; case "DELETE": xcaps_del("$var(uri)", "$hu"); if($xcapuri(u=>auid)=~"pres-rules") { pres_update_watchers("$var(uri)", "presence"); pres_refresh_watchers("$var(uri)", "presence", 1); } exit; break; } }
# other http requests xhttp_reply("200", "OK", "text/html", "<html><body>OK: $si:$sp</body></html>"); exit; }
On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Edson - Lists wrote:
Did you try it? What you got? What happened? What is your scenario?
Tell, and maybe someone would help you...
Em 18/07/2013 11:51, Kethzer Docteur escreveu:
Hello Im trying to get xcap service working to be able to download my subscriber list form the subscriber table. I hope that you could help me with this in anyway possible Thank you
-- Kethzer Docteur
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