On (02.08.03 15:43), Madan wrote:
hello list, this is what i m getting logs when i start the ser sip server, please let me know a work around to fix this and if possible what all fields/values has to be in freeradius db wrt ser sip server query to radius. =================================== Aug 2 18:09:12 sip ./ser[28920]: /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf: line 34: unrecognized keyword: clients Aug 2 18:09:12 sip ./ser[28920]: auth_radius: Error opening configuration file Aug 2 18:09:12 sip ./ser[28920]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module auth_radius ================================== and in /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf
It seems to me you are confusing the radius _client_ config file with the radius _server_ config file. You have to specify the radius _client_ config file in ser, most probably this will be something like:
modparam("auth_radius", "radius_config","/etc/ser/radiusclient.conf")
Please find an example of a radiusclient.conf in SER's radius module source directory: