this sounds like the body for reply was already set. Can you enable
cfgtrace in debugger module and see what actions are executed in that
On 17.05.18 18:22, Asgaroth wrote:
Hi All,
We are trying to query the json rpc server on our registrar for the
contact of an aor, but we are seeing the following error(s) being
displayed in the log when we query the location table:
ERROR: <core> [core/data_lump_rpl.c:83]: add_lump_rpl2():
LUMP_RPL_BODY already added!
ERROR: xhttp [xhttp_mod.c:410]: xhttp_send_reply(): Error while adding
reply lump
We are getting the aor details back in response from the rpc call, but
the error's in the log are a little concerning and I cannot see where
we are doing something wrong.
As an example, the following curl request returns the correct
response, but the above error is displayed in the log, Am I doing
something wrong here, I cannot see what the issue is:
curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "ul.lookup",
"params": [ "location",
"user(a)example.com" ], "id": 3 }'
A secondary question is, is there an upper limit on the size of the
"id" parameter?
This kamailio instance is v5.0.6.
Any thoughts as to what this error means?
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