Is anybody aware of any SIP ALG developed or being developed for linux/freebsd?
PS: If nobody is looking at the FCP client side for SER, I would like to
contribute in my spare time. Please let me know where should I start and may be
I could give it a try.
Jiri Kuthan <jiri(a)> on 08/01/2003 21:39:20
Subject: Re: [Serusers] FCP support in SER
This piece of work is stalling for some reasons.
First, the gentlemen who was supposed to integrate an FCP
client silently stepped away from this assignment. FCP
server on linux is working.
The other problem with FCP is there are no real standards.
I was expecting the Midcom WG in the IETF to come up with one.
Instead, it spent two years with doing things whose use
I very strongly doubt.
If there is any volunteer on this mailing list who would
wish to complete or create the FCP client module, we will be
glad to provide guidance.
Users willing to traverse NATs may consider STUN/UPnP or ALGs
as an alternative solution. Users willing to traverse firewalls
may need to use an ALG or VPN technology. Unfortunately, NAT/FWs
break too many things and there is no one-size-fits-it-all
solution addressing all scenarios.
At 06:14 PM 1/8/2003, jaime.gill(a) wrote:
I am wondering if this is the right place to ask, but here it goes.
Is the SER software going to incorporate the client side of FCP (Firewall
Control Protcol) as a module at some point?
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Serusers mailing list
Jiri Kuthan
Serusers mailing list
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