Greger V. Teigre writes:
My personal opinion: Despite the latest commits, AVP
loading from RADIUS is
still in transition from being an add-on (avp_radius module) to being
integrated in auth_radius and uri_radius. I would love to get rid of one
auth (we have three today for each INVITE).
i too have floated the idea that authentication would return from radius
caller avps and does_uri_exist function callee avps. this way you would
not need to make any extra radius calls. because both caller and callee
may have the same attributes, i suggested to add "caller_" and
prefix into avp names. using rpid as an example, callee can very well
have an rpid that will be used if callee decides to forward the call.
This gives another question: Should
Session-Type=Call-check always
indicate that SIP-AVPs for callee should be returned, or is there
other scenarios? (I don't really know, we haven't, but others may?)
my thinking has been that service type implicitly tells, which
attributes should be returned. if Service-Type is SIP-Session, radius
returns caller attributes and in case of Call-Check callee attributes.
you could still use the same database table for both.
regarding removing auth_radius, i need it for other things (such as sems
related stuff) and would thus like to keep it.
-- juha