At 02:58 PM 8/20/2003, radan wrote:
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
At 01:42 PM 8/20/2003, radan wrote:
I don't think so. When I choose ordynary user i.e anji I have in syslog: Aug 20 13:29:37 tel /usr/sbin/ser[1648]: running enum Aug 20 13:29:37 tel /usr/sbin/ser[1648]: enum_query(): uri user is not an E164 number
Well, I can't tell more than I see in your logs: "uri user is not an E164 number."
There is a number validation procedure, the number apparently fails for some of the conditions (shorter than 2, longer than 17, not beginning with '+' or containing non-digits in the middle). That's it.
In clear version 0.8.11pre29 without any updates how do i have to define order in NAPTR record: e2u+sip or sip+e2u ???
The script fragment I sent you previously works with both.