Hi Daniel!
What exactly do you need to do, maybe there are some other options around?
I am currently trying to implement some kind of protocol translation in a external daemon process.
The idea is:
A SIP Requests comes in and is processed in the following way in a REQUEST_ROUTE
if ((is_method("...") & ...) { t_newtran(); forward_udp(HOST,PORT); exit; }
A new transaction is then created and the Daemon listening on HOST:PORT should do some protocol translation, waiting for some reply through the other protocol and then reply to the original SIP request sending out a SIP reply.
t_reply seems to be the right function, but I need to be able to reply for example to the callid.
t_reply_callid might also be a solution, but this is not exported to MI Datagram and does not allow to specify a body, which I would also need.
Should I write a patch for this to export a MI function for t_reply_callid including a body parameter or is there another solution?
Greetings Torge