I just downloaded and extracted this file.... ser-0.8.14_openbsd_i386.tar.gz and it seems to be an "already built" SER server, as I see no build instructions, but I do see an "sbin" directory where "ser" exists. Am I to assume this is already built and ready to execute and run?
In looking at the document titled SER HowTo (HTML) I see this section....
2.5. DNS SVR Resource Records And it tells me how to setup my DNS... How important is this? I don't have control of the DNS server that serves our server, this is managed by our Co-Location.... AmI required to add these records to the DNS in order to get the server to work?
Is it possible to forgoe this step, or is it vital I have to have this done before I try and fire up the server.
My friend downloaded the ser-0.8.10 from the ports tree a while ago, and installed it, but I also extracted the binary and stuck this copy in a different place. I want to play with both versions.
Right now, I'm still in reading phase, but due to learning disability, it's taken me a long time to figure things out. So bear with me, as I'm sure I can really use some help on this.