Hi, I am using acc for CDR generation. Here is the module configuration I'm using:
modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio") modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1) modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 2) modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 3) modparam("acc", "cdr_enable", 1) modparam("acc", "cdrs_table", "cdr") modparam("acc", "cdr_extra", "callid=$ci;caller_domain=$dlg_var(caller_domain);callee_domain=$dlg_var(callee_domain);caller_username=$dlg_var(caller_username);callee_username=$dlg_var(callee_username);calling_number=$dlg_var(calling_number);destination=$dlg_var(destination);anonymous=$dlg_var(anonymous);forwarding=$dlg_var(forwarding);tracing=$dlg_var(tracing);relay=$dlg_var(relay);sip_code=$dlg_var(sip_code);status_code=$dlg_var(status_code);start_time=$dlg_var(start_time)") modparam("acc", "cdr_start_on_confirmed", 1) modparam("acc", "cdr_start_id", "answer_time") modparam("acc", "log_level", 9) modparam("acc", "log_facility", "LOG_LOCAL0") modparam("acc", "log_flag", 10) modparam("acc", "cdr_facility", "LOG_LOCAL0") modparam("acc", "cdr_log_enable", 1)
On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 3:57 PM Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com wrote:
are you using accounting to generate CDRs with dialog module (records in acc_cdrs table)? Or only for getting the event records in the acc table?
Cheers, Daniel On 13.10.22 23:19, mayamatakeshi wrote:
On Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 11:41 AM mayamatakeshi mayamatakeshi@gmail.com wrote:
On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 8:32 PM Daniel-Constantin Mierla < miconda@gmail.com> wrote:
as I am not a user of dialog variables, I am turning to community to ask for help testing the current master branch with configurations that make use of dialog variables and acc dialog-based cdr generation.
With a few reports of issues related to dialog modules and unexpected crashes, I looked over the code and noticed that the access of the value for dialog variables was not protected, making them vulnerable of invalid memory access in case of the variable was updated by another process or dialog was terminated.
I introduced a couple of new functions to try to cover different use cases of getting the dlg variable values, dialog management code was not affected, but given that these commits need to be backported to stable branch (5.6), I want to get proper feedback from community that things work fine.
A previous attempt of a simpler fix was not enough, having side effects to acc module for dialog-based cdr generation, because it was keeping referenced to many dlg variables at the same time.
In short, it would be appreciated any feedback on testing dialog and acc with dialog-based cdr generation using git master branch.
I have started 4 load test environments today with latest commit 6f400a8074fe60916867596431ca26dff00435d1. I usually leave a commit load test running for 2 months before consider it ready for production release. I will report any crash/problem.
After a few hours of load test, all 4 load test environments start to log memory allocation problems:
[root@lab002107-flip-server ~]$ grep memory /var/log/kamailio/kamailio.log |head 2022-10-13T01:36:10.429809+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2721]: rtpp_function_call(): out of memory - bencode failed 2022-10-13T01:36:12.923609+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2721]: rtpp_function_call(): out of memory - bencode failed 2022-10-13T01:36:12.961677+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: acc [acc_extra.c:234]: extra2strar(): could not allocate private memory from pkg pool 2022-10-13T01:36:14.983281+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2721]: rtpp_function_call(): out of memory - bencode failed 2022-10-13T01:36:14.983537+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: acc [acc_extra.c:234]: extra2strar(): could not allocate private memory from pkg pool 2022-10-13T01:36:14.983665+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: acc [acc_extra.c:234]: extra2strar(): could not allocate private memory from pkg pool 2022-10-13T01:36:20.861558+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2721]: rtpp_function_call(): out of memory - bencode failed 2022-10-13T01:36:20.864388+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: acc [acc_extra.c:234]: extra2strar(): could not allocate private memory from pkg pool 2022-10-13T01:36:20.878469+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: acc [acc_extra.c:234]: extra2strar(): could not allocate private memory from pkg pool 2022-10-13T01:36:23.174159+09:00 lab002107-flip-server /usr/local/src/git/kamailio-master/src/kamailio[3286370]: ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2721]: rtpp_function_call(): out of memory - bencode failed
I reverted 2 of the load test envs to previous kamailio 5.6 commit 61e86a1f502388ffd4dce6e52811ba640337c813 and restarted the load tests, then again, kamailio master commit 6f400a8074fe60916867596431ca26dff00435d1 started to write the above logs but this doesn't happen with 5.6.
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.comwww.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio Advanced Training - Online Nov 7-10, 2022 (Europe Timezone)