Hello folks,
I am trying to configure this on the same server:
Kamailio v4.2 port 5060 RTPEngine v2.3 port 22222 Asterisk v11.18.0 port 5080
I am follow the Asipto tutorials, for the Kamailio and the real time configuration.
Now, I can talk between extension and PSTN without issues.
But the trouble is with the Status registration with Asterisk. And I need that Status OK because I am using queues in asterisk for call centre.
I got this from with: sip show peers
Name/username Host Dyn Forcerport Comedia ACL Port Status Description Realtime
101 (Unspecified) D Yes Yes 0 UNREACHABLE Cached RT
the status is UNREACHABLE and the asterisk table sipregs won't update after each registration. To be sure, I tried first all config only with asterisk to check that is not a problem with MySQL or something.
On my cfg file I have this for the asterisk registration:
route[REGFWD] { if(!is_method("REGISTER")) { return; } $var(rip) = $sel(cfg_get.asterisk.bindip); $uac_req(method)="REGISTER"; $uac_req(ruri)="sip:" + $var(rip) + ":" + $sel(cfg_get.asterisk.bindport); $uac_req(furi)="sip:" + $au + "@" + $var(rip); $uac_req(turi)="sip:" + $au + "@" + $var(rip); $uac_req(hdrs)="Contact: <sip:" + $au + "@" + $sel(cfg_get.kamailio.bindip) + ":" + $sel(cfg_get.kamailio.bindport) + ">\r\n"; if($sel(contact.expires) != $null) $uac_req(hdrs)= $uac_req(hdrs) + "Expires: " + $sel(contact.expires) + "\r\n"; else $uac_req(hdrs)= $uac_req(hdrs) + "Expires: " + $hdr(Expires) + "\r\n"; uac_req_send(); }
Any clue?