Hi Daniel,
The gap between 1.1 and 1.2 is pretty big, so forcing users to force the the auth rpid_avp to $avp(s:rpid) shouldn't be a big deal (just needs to be documented on the 1.1 to 1.2 migration path). I would rather have a clean code and just by checking my config file I should be able to track down all the avp that are used.
The "rpid" impact would be: - user must define the rpid_avp for the auth module - user must explicitly load the rpid_avp during load_credentials
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
On 3/7/07, Ovidiu Sas sip.nslu@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Daniel,
The lcr module is still not aligned and it is still using custom avps. If I modify that particular avp in my script I will break lcr routing. Is that right?
We should document in the wiki all the "reserved" avps.
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
On 3/7/07, Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel@voice-system.ro wrote:
Hello Ovidiu,
On 03/06/07 20:54, Ovidiu Sas wrote:
Hi all,
There are modules that are using default values for AVPs. What will happen if another module is reusing the same AVP? Or if the AVP is redefined inside the script? Is this completely orthogonal? Should I worry about this while using AVPs?
we are on the way to remove those hidden stuff. Not sure all will be done for this release. Modules like TM, registrar, auth, dispatcher, siptrace, nathelper were cleaned. Still lot of others use the avps. So far only auth/auth_db use $avp(s:rpid) for rpid management. Being there for long time, should be left at least for this release and prepare users for the next release. For the other modules, the avp names were set to NULL, so if they are to be used, the name has to be set for them. Also, the AVP names for these modules must be now in full format $avp(xyz).
Cheers, Daniel
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
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