On 05/06/2016 07:36 AM, Dmitry wrote:
i read the documentation about RTPengine. and the documentation says that:
If INVITE with SDP, when the tm module is loaded, mark transaction with internal flag FL_SDP_BODY to know that the 1xx and 2xx are for rtpengine_answer()
what does it mean?
This is taken from the rtpproxy module. For SDP negotiation, there are two basic scenarios:
1) SDP "offer" in the INVITE and SDP "answer" in 1xx or 2xx, or 2) No SDP in the INVITE, but SDP in 1xx or 2xx, which becomes the SDP "offer," followed by the SDP "answer" in the ACK.
The flag is used for _manage() to be able to distinguish between these two cases, in particular whether the SDP in 1xx or 2xx is an "offer" or an "answer."