This has taken me quite some time to do this as I come from the Windows world. Getting into the Linux world was quite a jump. (Now the rant) First I would like to say that if some of the people in the Linux world had better documentation and most importantly keeping it current with the releases of software it would cut down on development time.
I use Konqueror for getting around the Linux System like using windows file explorer except better. Open up a Konqueror and press F9 that will open a side bar of file management. F4 is to open up a command shell in the directory that you are in.
This is based on the compiled from src Stable Version Of SER 8.14 Located Here put this in the very root of the hard drive (this should keep all the paths correct . don't change the name of the directory from sip_router)
I am running Fedora Core 3 Distribution Located here there are 4 iso's (FC3-i386-disc1-4.iso) which are bootable.
Make sure that MySQL is enabled (make sure you check it off when installing) along with PhPMySQL I installed the Server Packages from the list.
I also installed Webmin located here for remote access via a M$ machine.
Compiling the SRC code was a bit problematic for me (Note that there is an Install Doc error when making the bin distro you will need to go into the MakeFile and comment out the line at the bottom) it is only documentation. You will see this as soon as you use the gmake utility.
You will first need to edit the Makefile in the module of ACC
locate this line
# uncomment the next line if you wish to enable SQL accounting
This is the way it should look uncommented. Now save it. Lol
Open up a command shell in the sip_router directory.
Type the following
gmake all mode=debug exclude_modules="" modules
you will get some errors that are caused by the imcompleteness but not to worry you won't be using them ..
It will should come up with "ser-0.8.14_linux_i386.tar.gz" you will need to do a find for this file because I have no idea where it places it so I use Konqueror to locate it. Then do a copy command to the Home directory so you have it for later also.
You will need to do some reading in the manual of SER so you will be familiar with the system. But here is a working ser.cfg using MySQL for accounting
You will need to create the data base using the shell script in the SBIN directory.
If you use "serctl start" and the pid file is not found then that means that there is an error in the ser.cfg
Yes I know that the code looks ugly however so does your dog ... just kidding . it is a work in progress as I work it down more . I hope that this will help a few folks out.
# This is a reworked script from someone else.
# $Id: ser.cfg A working MySQL, Accounting PSTN Reworked for 8.14
# By Peter Bjorklund / Mr. B .. may the code gods be pleased .. lol
# You will need the adjust the ports to suit you needs
# - this is your IP address - ex. 123.456.789.123
# yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy - this is your PSTN GateWay address - ex. 123.456.789.123
# ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------
debug=3 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd)
log_stderror=no # (cmd line: -E)
memlog=3 # this is your IP address
/* Uncomment these lines to enter debugging mode
check_via=yes # (cmd. line: -v)
dns=no # (cmd. line: -r)
rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R)
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# -- tm params --
modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 10 )
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 24 )
modparam("tm", "wt_timer", 10 )
# modparam("tm", "uac_from", "" )
# -- rr params --
# add value to ;lr param to make some broken UAs happy
modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
# * 0 -- dont use mysql, 1 -- write_through, 2--write_back */
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
modparam("usrloc", "timer_interval", 10)
modparam("usrloc", "db_url","mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
modparam("group", "db_url","mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
# -- auth params --
modparam("auth_db", "db_url","mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
# -- acc params --
# report ACKs too for sake of completeness -- as we account PSTN
# destinations which are RR, ACKs should show up
modparam("acc", "db_url","mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
# modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 3)
modparam("acc", "log_level", 1)
modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
modparam("acc", "report_ack", 0)
modparam("acc", "log_fmt", "miocfsu")
# ------------------------- request routing logic -------------------
# main routing logic
/* ********* ROUTINE CHECKS ********************************** */
# filter too old messages
if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
log("LOG: Too many hops\n");
sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
if ( msg:len > max_len ) {
sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big");
############# deal with local area code ################# you can replace the xxx with your area code
if (uri=~"sip:xxx[2-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]@.*") {
# search_append("From: .*<sip:", "xxx");
# if (search("^To: .*<sip:xxx")) {
# replace("To: .*<sip:xxx", "To: <sip:");
# };
################# billing ###########################
if (method=="INVITE" || method=="BYE") {
setflag(2); # yes I use this flag for debuging
/* ********* RR ********************************** */
/* Do strict routing if route headers present */
#if (loose_route()) { t_relay(); break; }; # do not use this format
# instead just use this
/* ********* DIVERSION ********************************** */
/* apply all diversions before we proceed with processing of
requests for us
/* IM gateway diversions */
#if (uri=~"sip:.*@icq\"
# | uri=~"sip:.*"
# | uri=~"sip:.*"
# | uri=~"sip:.*" ) {
# append_hf("P-hint: IMGW\r\n");
# if (!t_relay("", "5070")) {
# sl_reply_error();
# };
# break;
# };
/* divert voicemail requests */
#if (uri=~"" | uri=~":5066"| uri=~":6060") {
# sethost("");
# append_hf("P-hint: VOICEMAIL\r\n");
# if ( !t_relay("", "6060")) {
# sl_reply_error();
# };
# break;
# };
/* ********* RR ********************************** */
# look at whether we need record-routing;
# - we need it for calls from gateways (otherwise, subsequent
# requests from the other # party will attempt to contact gateway
# directly through blocked ports)
# - we need it for Windows Messanger's IM sessions to cross
# some firewalls -- we force all MESSAGEs to go via our server
# to avoid blocking port numbers (some firewalls can do
# standard SIP but are puzzled by Microsoft's use of obsoleted
# IM session model)
# - some other places may decide to set the record-routing
# flag (2 chosen) too; particularly, INVITEs to our gw
if ( (src_ip==yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy & method=="INVITE") || method=="MESSAGE" || method=="INFO") {
/* ********* check for requests targeted out of our domain... ******* */
# sign of our domain: there is @ (username), :
# (nothing) or . (host) in front of our domain name ;
# if none of these cases matches, proceed with proessing of
# outbound requests in route[2]
if (!(uri=~"[@:.][;:].*)*"
# ... some phones put IP address in URI instead ...
| uri=~"[@:.][;:].*)*"
# ... and we serve our gateway too (we RR requests to it, so that
# its address may show up in subsequent requests after
# rewriteFromRoute
| uri=~"[;:].*)*" )) {
/* ************ requests for our domain ********** */
/* now, the request is for sure for our domain */
# registers always MUST be authenticated to
# avoid stealing incoming calls
if (method=="REGISTER") {
# Make sure that user's dont register infinite loops
# (note: does not match with folded lines)
if (search("^(Contact|m): .*@(|")) {
log(1, "LOG: alert: someone trying to set aor==contact\n");
sl_send_reply("476", "No Server Address in Contacts Allowed" );
# prohibit attempts to grab someone else's To address
# using valid grp; the only exception is the user
# 'replciator' permitted to generate 3-rd party registrations
if (!www_authorize("" /* realm */,
"subscriber" /* table name */ )) {
# challenge if none or invalid grp
www_challenge( "" /* realm */,
"0" /* no qop -- some phones can't deal with it */);
if (!is_user("replicator") & !check_to()) {
log("LOG: To Cheating attempt\n");
sl_send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use To=id next time");
# it is an authenticated request, update Contact database now
if (!save("location")) {
/* XXX not tested yet
t_replicate("", "5060");
###############deny calls without autorization#################
if (!( | src_ip==yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy| method==ACK | method=="CANCEL" )) {
if (!proxy_authorize( "" /* realm */,
"subscriber" /* table name */)) {
proxy_challenge( "" /* realm */, "0" /* no qop */ );
# let's check from=id ... avoids accounting confusion
} else if (method=="INVITE" & !check_from()) {
log("LOG: From Cheating attempt\n");
sl_send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use From=id next time (gw)");
/* some UACs might be fooled by Contacts our UACs
generate to make MSN happy (web-im, e.g.) --
tell its urneachable
if (uri=~"sip:daemon@" ) {
sl_send_reply("410", "daemon is gone");
# various aliases (might use a database in future)
# check again, if it is still for our domain after aliases
# we have to include '' not to proceed to outbound
# authentication for calls to and other hosts
# served by us
if ( !(uri=~"[@:.][;:].*)*" |
uri=~"[@:.][;:].*)*" )) {
# now check if it's about PSTN destinations through our gateway;
# note that 1.... and 0.... is exempted for numerical non-gw destinations
if (uri=~"sip:+?[0-1][1-9][0-9]*@.*") {
# if relay
if (uri=~"sip:+?[2-9][0-9][0-9][2-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]@.*") {
# does the user wish redirection on no availability? (i.e., is he
# in the voicemail group?) -- determine it now and store it in
# flag 4, before we rewrite the flag using UsrLoc
if (is_user_in("Request-Uri", "voicemail")) {
} ;
# native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB
if (!lookup("location")) {
# handle user which was not found ...
# check whether some inventive user has uploaded gateway
# contacts to UsrLoc to bypass our authorization logic
if (uri=~"@yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy([;:].*)*" ) {
log(1, "LOG: Weird! Gateway address in UsrLoc!\n");
# if user is on-line and is in voicemail group, enable redirection
# if (method=="INVITE" && isflagset(4)) {
# t_on_failure("1");
# };
/* ... and also report on missed calls ... note that reporting
on missed calls is mutually exclusive with silent C timer
# setflag(3);
# add RR to messages which were previously labeled for that
if (isflagset(2)) {
# we now know we may, we know where, let it go out now!
append_hf("P-hint: USRLOC\r\n");
if (!t_relay()) {
#------------------- OUTBOUND ----------------------------------------
# routing logic for outbound requests targeted out of our domain
# (beware, messages to our users can end up here too: for example,
# an INVITE may be UsrLoc-ed, then the other party uses outbound
# proxy with r-uri=the usr_loced addredd (typically IP))
route[2] {
# outbound requests are allowed only for our users -- we don't
# support relaying and don't like strangers bothering us
# with resolving DNS; except our gateway
if (!(src_ip==yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy) &
!(proxy_authorize( "" /* realm */,
"subscriber" /* table name */ ))) {
# ACK/CANCEL have inherently no security -- just log if
# included grp are wrong and proceed
if (method=="BYE" ) {
log("LOG: failed outbound authentication for BYE granted\n");
} else if (method=="ACK" ) {
log("LOG: failed outbound authentication for ACK granted\n");
} else if (method=="CANCEL") {
log("LOG: failed outbound authentication for CANCEL granted\n");
} else {
proxy_challenge("" /* realm */, "0" /* no-qop */);
# to maintain credibility of our proxy, we check From in INVITEs to be
# equal to credential id so that user john.doe does not put bill.gates
# in his From; we don't do that for other requests: within a dialogue,
# subsequent transactions coming from the other side will have in From
# To of the original transaction to match the dialog; it may be
# however different from user's default From and digest; example:
# user_a sends INVITE to secretary; secretary is translated to user_b;
# user_b accepts and later BYEs; to match the dialog, it puts
# secretary in From and sends user_b's grp -- check_from
# would fail
if (!src_ip==yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy& method=="INVITE" & !check_from()) {
log("LOG: From Cheating attempt\n");
sl_send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use From=id next time (OB)");
if (isflagset(2)) {
append_hf("P-hint: OUTBOUND\r\n");
if (!t_relay()) {
#------- ALIASED OUTBOUND --------------------------------------------
# routing logic for inbound requests aliased outbound; unlike
# with real outbound requests we do not force authentication
# as these calls are server by our server and we do not want
# to disqualify unathenticated request originatiors from other
# domains
route[5] {
append_hf("P-hint: ALIASED-OUTBOUND\r\n");
if (!t_relay()) {
#----------------- PSTN ----------------------------------------------
# logic for calls to the PSTN
route[3] {
# if it is a MESSAGE pass it "as is" over to our SMS gateway
# (which unfortunately lives at a different host due to
# lack of serial interfaces)
if (method=="MESSAGE") {
# set accounting
rewritehostport("yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:5070"); #change to our uri port for this
append_hf("P-hint: SMS\r\n");
if (!t_relay()) {
# continue with requests to PSTN gateway ...
# the international + prefix
if (uri=~"sip:+" ) {
# free call destinations ... no authentication needed
if ( is_user_in("credentials", "free-pstn") /* free destinations */
| uri=~"sip:0@.*") { /* local PBX */
# just log it, no authentication
} else {
# all other PSTN destinations only for authenticated users
# (Cisco GW, which has no digest support, is authenticated
# by its IP address -- that's for sure not very strong;
# wth confirmed that we filter packets coming from outside
# and bearing SRC IP address of our network)
# we are forgiving about ACK/CANCEL as digest provides no
# real security for them
if (!(src_ip==yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy| method==ACK | method=="CANCEL" )) {
if (!proxy_authorize("" /* realm */,
"subscriber" /* table name */)) {
proxy_challenge("" /* realm */, "0" /* no qop */ );
# let's check from=id ... avoids accounting confusion
} else if (method=="INVITE" & !check_from()) {
log("LOG: From Cheating attempt\n");
sl_send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use From=id next time (gw)");
# authorize only for INVITEs -- RR/Contact may result in weird
# things showing up in d-uri that would break our logic; our
# major concern is INVITE which causes PSTN costs anyway
if (method=="INVITE") {
# does the authenticated user have a permission for local
# calls? (i.e., is he in the "local" group?) Replace xxx with your area code
if (uri=~"sip:xxx[2-9][0-9]+@.*") {
if (!is_user_in("credentials","local")) {
sl_send_reply("403", "Local Toodle Noodle...");
# the same for long-distance
} else if (uri=~"sip:1[2-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]@.*") {
#Prevent 1 900 calls etc
#if (uri=~"sip:001[089]" | uri=~"sip:00900.*" ) {
# sl_send_reply("403", "Added Value Destinations not permitted...");
# break;
if (!is_user_in("credentials","ld")) {
sl_send_reply("403", "LD Toodle Noodle...");
# the same for international calls
} else if (uri=~"sip:011[1-9][0-9]+@.*") {
if (!is_user_in("credentials","int")) {
sl_send_reply("403", "International Toodle Noodle...");
# everything else (e.g., interplanetary calls) is denied
} else {
sl_send_reply("403", "interplanetary Toodle Noodle...");
}; # INVITE to authorized PSTN
# we passed all authorization checks for PSTN -- move on!
# tag this transaction for accounting
}; # authorized PSTN
# requests to gateway must be record-routed because the GW accepts
# only reqeusts coming from our proxy
# if (isflagset(2) || method=="INVITE")
if ((method=="INVITE") || (method=="ACK") || (method=="BYE"))
# setflag(2);
# if you have passed through all the checks, let your call go to GW!
# if (search('^(From|m): ".*" <sip:[2-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]@.*')) {
# search_append('From: ".*" <sip:', "204");
# };
#voiplist gateway toll free only
if ( uri=~"sip:1800[2-9][0-9]+@.*"
| uri=~"sip:1888[2-9][0-9]+@.*"
| uri=~"sip:1877[2-9][0-9]+@.*"
| uri=~"sip:1866[2-9][0-9]+@.*" ) {
# prefix("123456"); # replace number if your gateway uses a prefix number
#voiplist LD
else if ( uri=~"sip:1[1-9][0-9]*@.*" ) {
# prefix("123456");
else if ( uri=~"sip:011[0-9][0-9]*@.*" ) {
# prefix("123456");
sl_send_reply("403", "interplanetary Toodle Noodle...");
append_hf("P-hint: GATEWAY\r\n");
if (!t_relay()) {
/* *********** handling of unavailable user ******************* */
/* handling of users who are off-line */
route[4] {
# user not found -- act as stateful UAS to avoid reporting
# on each INVITE retranmission
if (method=="INVITE" || method=="ACK"
|| method=="BYE" || method=="CANCEL" ) {
/* requests to voicemail users will be fwded to voicemail */
if (isflagset(4)) {
append_hf("P-hint: OFFLINE-VOICEMAIL\r\n");
if (!t_relay()) {
} else { /* non-voicemail users get 404 */
if (t_newtran()) {
if (method=="ACK") {
log("oops -- ACK to a non-existent transaction");
# we reply statefuly to avoid accounting of all
# retransmissions
if (!t_reply("404", "Not Found")) {
} else {
/* we account missed calls for all off-line users */
# if (method=="INVITE") acc_request("404 Not Found");
# break;
# non-VoIP messages: just return 404 statelessly
sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");
#----------------- VOIPLD ----------------------------------------------
# logic for calls to the VOIPLD
route[6] {
# if it is a MESSAGE pass it "as is" over to our SMS gateway
if (method=="MESSAGE") {
# set accounting
append_hf("P-hint: SMS\r\n");
if (!t_relay()) {
# continue with requests to PSTN gateway ...
# the international + prefix
if (uri=~"sip:+" ) {
# free call destinations ... no authentication needed
if ( is_user_in("credentials", "free-pstn") /* free destinations */
| uri=~"sip:0@.*") { /* local PBX */
# just log it, no authentication
} else {
if (!(src_ip==yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy| method==ACK | method=="CANCEL" )) {
if (!proxy_authorize( "" /* realm */,
"subscriber" /* table name */)) {
proxy_challenge( "" /* realm */, "0" /* no qop */ );
} else if (method=="INVITE" & !check_from()) {
log("LOG: From Cheating attempt\n");
sl_send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use From=id next time (gw)");
}; # authorized PSTN
if (isflagset(2) || method=="INVITE")
append_hf("P-hint: GATEWAY\r\n");
if (!t_relay()) {