To whom it may concern:
We are configuring a SIP platform with Kamailio and Freeswitch with this
UAC 1 ==> Kamailio ==> Freeswitch
UAC 2 <== Kamailio <== Freeswitch
We followed the instructions in
We are using Kamailio on kamailio 4.0.3
and Freeswitch FreeSWITCH Version 1.5.6b
Everything is working fine with the default setting. But when we
configured TLS what we noticed some errors.
UAC configured with no TLS calling a UAC configured with TLS works ok.
UAC configured with TLS calling a UAC configured with TLS gets
disconnected 15-30 seconds after answering the call.
UAC configured with TLS calling a UAC configured with no TLS gets
disconnected 15-30 seconds after answering the call.
I cant seem to find any error in the logs or in the ngrep.
Can anyone assist me regarding this issue. Good day.
"When I look at you I see two people, ther person you are
and the person you are supposed to be. Someday these two
people will meet. And when they do, they will achieve great things"
- Gene Hackman, The Replacements
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