Hola Iñaki,
El 02/04/2008, a las 16:29, Iñaki Baz Castillo escribió:
Hi, maybe this question is a bit off-topic so I'm sorry for that.
My question is about SIP providers using OpenSer that associate PSTN numbers to their local clients (SIP accounts):
Usually the client must register to OpenSer in order to receive calls. Then it will appear in location table with "Contact=sip:clientX@IP". Suppose clientX has two PSTN numbers associated in a ENUM entry: +34999000111 +34999000222
When anyone in PSTN world calls to +34999000222 the call will arrive to the OpenSer from a gateway in an INVITE like:
INVITE sip:+34999000222@gateway SIP/2.0 To: sip:+34999000222@gateway
The OpenSer will do the lookup in location table and finally send this INVITE to the clientX:
INVITE sip:clientX@IP_clientX SIP/2.0 To: sip:+34999000222@gateway
The info about the called PSTN number is just available in "To" header, so a way to get different behaviour for each associated PSTN number is matching "To" URI. Is common to do it? which other alternatives are there?
You can also add multiple aliases to the same user. All INVITEs to different aliases will be sent to the resolved user.
Saludos JesusR.
------------------------------------ Jesus Rodriguez VozTelecom Sistemas, S.L. jesusr@voztele.com http://www.voztele.com Tel. 902360305 -------------------------------------