I think the rule is that if the r-uri is enforcing sips, then record route has to be sips.
In general, sips is a mess, because the rule is: it has to be transmitted over something secure (which can be udp via vpn, or udp in a private network, etc.).
You can probably fix it in the config. After loose_route(), the next hop is $du or $ru -- $du has priority if it is set, so you can try something like:
if($du!=$null) { if($du=~"^sips:") { $du = "sip:" + $(du{s.subst,5,0}); } }
Alternative, for the initial invite, if it is sips in r-uri, then back it in a variable, store some dummy sip uri, do record_route() and put back the URI.
As an update in the code, it may be useful to add a mod param to control if sips should be ignored or not.
Cheers, Daniel
On 07/11/14 18:02, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:
Hi all
I'm experiencing a problem while using a mobile client on a NGCP mr3.5.1 (based on kamailio 4.1.6)
The problem is as follows:
A custom mobile client B blink for linux
The path of a call from B to A would be this one:
B --> Kamailio LB --> Kamailio proxy --> Sems --> Kamailio LB --> A
Kamailio LB is a stateless proxy. Kamailio proxy is a stateful proxy and registrar and sems acts as B2BUA.
Kamailio LB listens tcp,udp and tls to the outside and speaks udp to the inside. Kamailio proxy and sems only listen udp localhost (ports 5062 ans 5080).
My problem comes when the ACK from B to A (to the INVITE-200) doesn't leave the Kamailio LB to the proxy. The problem is that the kamailio proxy added itself as sips in the record-route header:
U 2014/11/06 19:22:20.447717 ->
INVITE sips:test1@;rinstance=145658D8;transport=tcp SIP/2.0'
Record-Route: sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=3Kwc9Aj.elAwdwWtB5yAXqdxR8rsyWi3;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:XX.XX.XX.XX:5060'
Record-Route: sip:XX.XX.XX.XX;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=3Kwc9Aj.elAwdwWtB5yAXqdxR8rsyWi3;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:XX.XX.XX.XX:5060'
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc36a.b42be7e4a4db27ac699a52fda7fb5fe0.0' Route: sip:lb@;lr;received=sip:YY.YY.YY.YY:41956%3Btransport%3Dtls;socket=sip:XX.XX.XX.XX:5061'
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKc36a.a58b9955ce93726b17c0240a555011f2.0'
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ;rport=47879;branch=z9hG4bKPj6UmIovzyxDRCgcuz-VoXHEyJHRpA712x'
When the ACK arrives to the LB from B, it can't relay it to the Kamailio proxy:
NOTICE: <script>: New request on lb - M=ACK R=sip:ngcp-lb@XX.XX.XX.XX;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31
NOTICE: <script>: Relaying request, du='sips:;lr;ftag=3Kwc9Aj.elAwdwWtB5yAXqdxR8rsyWi3;did=3e6.48e1;mpd=ii;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=aHRBd2tQQ3VhVkZGamdrN2lhanhodEF3aw--', fs='udp:' - R=sip:;prxroute=1
WARNING: <core> [forward.c:264]: get_send_socket2(): WARNING: get_send_socket: protocol/port mismatch (forced udp:, to tls:
I think the problem might be in the way the client registers? This is the registration info where it uses sips in the contact:
contact: sips:test1@;rinstance=145658D8;transport=tcp
If I try the same calling blink, which has the following contact in the registration it works without issues as the proxy doesn't insert sips in the Record-Route header:
contact: sip:91807432@;transport=tls
Any thoughts?
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